So, for our inaugural blog, I'd like to know what small steps you're taking in your lives, homes, offices, and dreams to take control? How are you giving Mother Earth a little break or honoring God by being thoughtful to His creations? Can't wait to see the comments!
My goals? My goal for March 2012 is to 1) get our non recyclable trash down to a Walmart bag per week through upcycle, recycle, burning, and recycling and 2) to work on our garden, prepping it for the planting which is very near future! Today, in fact, I'm finishing up soil amendment via mulching and spreading the last round of chicken poop.
Did you know chicken poop is touted a THE best fertilizer ever? Lucky us, as I have TONS. Lots of natural much too. Let me know if you need either!
Thanks for stopping by! I am excited about this blog, which will chronicle how the kiddos and I are restoring Maple Valley Farm and honoring God, Mother Earth, and ourselves by keeping it simple. WWJD? I like to ask myself every day in every decision I make. I have a feeling he wouldn't be living on the grid:)
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till and keep it," Genesis 2:15
I'm so excited about this project that I"m giong to give away some organic heirloom seeds to a random commenter! I love contests:) I'll have the kids pick later this week, so comment comment comment!
Thanks Lisa Eakins, who stopped by the farm today to tell me all about her recycling:) She's looking for even more ideas. Give us some!
I have been wanting chickens! That is wonderful. What kind are the chicks?
They are Dominics or Leg Horns. I think we lucked into about half and half!
OK ideas for keepin it simple huh? How bout starting seeds in egg shells in recycled egg containers; donating unused coupons to military members overseas; holiday cards to bookmarks; trading magazines; upcycling tshirts into jewelry or bags; and purchasing food in larger containers to cut down on waste (unless you can buy local or make it yourself, of course!) - Sonja K.
Lori, this is fantastic! Inspiring in fact! I've just taken out the last 5 gumball trees that where just barely standing in their deadness and have begin to build up my soil in order to turn my front yard into an fully edible front yard. It was a big deal with the hubs because he wanted to mow his lawn???? I said, um if you lost your job how many nights do you think you'll enjoy fresh cut grass salad? I rest my case!
What a wonderful way to give back to Mother Earth! Love the kids and the ducks, by the way. Heirloom seeds--HOT DAWG! Looking forward to witnessing how your adventure progresses. Thank you for doing what others dream of. AND for Walking the Talk.
Im loving all the ideas...I have never thought of starting seeds in egg shells in the egg containers...that is brilliant! Do you just crack the shells off to plant? I plant a small garden in the only spot of shade on my city lot :) I wish I could have chickens but there are rules against it :(
Christina, yes you just use egg shells. Put some starter soil in half the egg and you can put them right in egg containers. The calcium is so good for them. I'll post it as a project soon.
Thanks everyone who commented. Please email me your address so I can get organic tomato seeds out to ya! Check out our post about using egg shells to start seed. You might want to use your new seeds to give it a try:)
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