Sunday, July 26, 2009

Snowshoe Rocks!

SUPERMAN down the slide!

Check this Motley Crew out! We had a great time in Snowshoe this year and even managed to take an extra. My bestie's daughter decided to tag along &we were glad to have her. She may be sick of us, however, LOL.

So, we love this big green chair!!! I'm relatively sure a pic was snapped each time we passed it:-)

Inshe perty?

And we love this waterfall by the hotel. Is my hair really that red?!?


My life...

Little man has decided that he's ditching his bed for one of these... It is tempting!

Chillaxin! Until we heard screams. Did I locate my children? No, I grabbed the camera & went to see what was up. It was a mink swimming in the river. Wow! Good thing we never saw the bear. I'd have been standing there snapping away, LOL.

Shaver Lake was fun. Sand, paddle boats, minks, playground...

Paddleboat fun. No one really wanted to go but Mom. There were some skeered kids, but we went anyway. And saw lots of beaver dams.

Did I mention there were lots of frontseat drivers? Just paddle & shut it, K?

Seriously, why do we always look so nuclear?

Split rock pool was a blast! And heated... did I mention heated?

See, there's that chair again!

Little man loves this bear. It's not often he requests a photo! The real bear was following us. He was spotted wherever we went... 2 hrs after we were there! He was by the hot tub, weenie roast, and broke into a store after we were there... Groupies (hmph)!

See, mountains. Been there. Done that;-) Rocked it.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Looks like alot of fun! The kiddos are gettin' big...and you're hair is getting long! Great pics