Sunday, May 6, 2012

Butter, fashion, and a science lesson

Guess what we made today?

It was yummy!!! We are so excited about getting our dairy cow, Clarabelle. Our friend is picking her up this week and raising her for us. I will post pictures soon.

Whole, unprocessed organic all natural yummy creamy milk...nom...nom..nom... Sorry. I zoned out there for a minute. So, what else did we do this weekend. I"m so glad you asked:)


We died old stained shirts using a method called Shibori. You've seen it on here before (Caught Red Handed) but this time we used a soaking method.

It's pretty easy. We went on a walk and gathered sticks and rocks that we found interesting. Then you rubber band or tie the shirts just like in tie dye; except you tie the natural goodies in with them. We got a little silly. We rubber banded rocks (making the circles) and we rolled sticks of all sizes into the shirts to make lines. Then we followed the dye directions and just soaked them for an hour. Cool huh?


And in the name of upcycle, we tore up a pallet. I mean we hammered, pulled, tugged, stood on, threw around, and trashed a pallet. Whew! Those things are well made!!! All to experiment with weathered signs.

I like it... pretty much. I used free hand and I just don't like the brush I used. I would like nicer lettering. BUT I know how to make it look how I want otherwise and there will be many more to follow! I used some old paint leftover from inside the house and basic sandpaper. Neat upcycle huh?

But will the girls read it? It's hanging over the chicken coop door. Hmmm.....

KID PHOTO: (ok everyone say Aw......)

Speaking of chickens... Here is my lovely daughter with our newest addition, Aurora. (insert it... NOW)

She's a white leg horn. We've had her sister, Snow White, for a while now, but recently acquired her smaller sister. They both are excellent layers and gift us with yummy white eggs! My daughter is the chicken whisperer...

UPCYCLE REVISIT: (with a sly science lesson)

And quite a farmer! Here is her salad garden.

I'm sure you all think it's pretty crazy that I'm claiming that our veggies love lightning storms. I mean, who doesn't like to curl up & sleep to a nice storm or sit out on the porch and watch the show, right? But at this point you're likely thinking that I've endured too many hours of Veggie Tales in my Momdom and have finally cracked.

But alas, I have science on my side. Air is almost 78% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. Plants NEED nitrogen to produce chlorophyl and to grow big and healthy. BUT the nitrogen in the air is not usable for plants, so how do they get it? Good question.

During lightning storms, heat and electricity causes nitrogen molecules to stick to oxygen molecules. This nitrogen oxide falls in the rain and superdoses the plants with nitrogen in a usable form.

BOTTOM LINE - Lightning makes plants grow super healthy super fast. And we've had a lot of lightning storms lately. Just look at this planter ONE month ago.

We harvested broccoli, spinach, onions, and lettuce this weekend . Yup, lightning and my beautiful daughter's green thumb:)

More proof. Here are some of our container gardens... Look at the potatoes (in front of the bee).

Now look at them 14 days ago.

And yes, those are tomatoes on the left! We will be eating cherry reds next week:)

I hope you enjoyed seeing what the Lees are up to on Maple Valley Farm and I hope you found some ideas for your own homestead. Have a great week everyone... Blessed Be!

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