Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pirate stencil shirts, Arrrrrrggggghhhh!!!

A few weeks ago, we did a reverse stencil craft and it turned out really great.

My little man above is sporting a pirate tank he made at a water park in OH. For more details on making your very own, Click here.

These are a great upcycle of an stained, old, or hand me down shirt, bag, etc.

As everyone knows, September 19 was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. We like pirates:) Who doesn't like pirates? Now that we are schooling from home, we are really using our public library as a big resource, and they had some fun pirate activities planned.

Before heading down to the festivities, being the self proclaimed dork that I am, I informed my lovely children that we were either going to dress like pirates, or at least make pirate tee shirts. They chose shirts. (Darn, I already had an outfit put together!)

They also chose stenciling using fabric paint instead of reverse stenciling using dye.

So, to Google image we went and typed in "pirate stencil." My darling daughter chose a pirates's parrot...

It's very very very easy. Once you find the stencil you want, print it on card stock, cut out the stencil, and temporarily glue it to the shirt. Then give your little ones paint brushes and fabric paint and let them go to town!

My sweet little man chose a pirate flag stencil. He painted it all by himself and decided that a Lego treasure map was in order at the very bottom. Pretty cool, eh?

These are our upcycling, schooling form home, living life to the fullest, and enjoying every minute of it chronicles:) How's life treating you? Leave us a comment, Matey!

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