Friday, May 24, 2013

Magic Beans... Earth Day Follow Up

Congratulations to our organic bean seed winer, a homesteader from Ravenswood, West Virginia! She sent us an awesome photo for our Earth Day contest and has won Organic Heirloom Green Bean "Early Contender" seeds. 

We love her idea to lessen her family's imprint on the planet for SO many reasons! We plan to steal it once our camper is open for the summer. I'll be sure to post photos. Thanks again LM for the great idea!
"Our family has a designated campfire cooking area and for many meals we forgo all the electrical appliances and prepare our meals outdoors by fire.
Here pictured are my daughter Aycie and my niece Jillian. Jillian is preparing our chili for this meal. Campfire cooking us yummy and delicious!"    -- LM
Congratulations and enjoy your beans.

If anyone has any recipes to share, please do. I'll be happy to pass them along. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic to win! Thank you and cannot wait to get the beans planted : ) We do campfire cook quite often. So excited!!
Linda M.